
Diagnostic of Cancer and Oral Precancer

The precocious diagnostic of the oral cancer and injuries precancerous is very important to increase the survival and living quality of the patients affected by this pathology.

We periodically check all patients to make sure that they have been completely cured and we will give the necessary recommendations so that they do not originate again.


The importance of the oral medicine in the diagnostic of oral pathology

Clínica Lázaro is led by stomatologist Ricardo Lázaro Valero, who due to his years of experience in both public and private health, is accustomed to the diagnosis of oral lesions and pathologies, such as precancerous lesions.

When soft tissue lesions are discovered (mucous cheeks, tongue, lips, corners, etc.), we are aware of the fact that they can reflect both general and local etiological factors in guiding the treatment. Thus a patient who takes chronic antidepressants (general factor) will suffer a tendency to gingivitis, or a patient who is dental squeeze, will have microfractured dental edges (local factor) that can cause a lesion in the tongue by continuous friction with these areas sharp, as well as even frequent nibbling of the lingual margin.


Precancerous injuries and their evolution to the oral cancer

Clinical Lázaro promotes before everything else the precocious diagnostic of the called precancerous injuries, which have to treat of local shape and control periodically until seeing that they have healed.

Usually deleting the irritative factor that has caused them, for example the rubbing with a cutting edge of a molar, are used to to improve on their own, but many times is necessary the application of a topical ice and effect any rinsing disinfecting.

These injuries are produced by alterations of the normal buccal mucosa no malignant, but if the cause that has produced them persists along the time can give place to the malignization of the epithelium giving place to cancerous injuries.

If the non-healing of these mucous lesions is observed, a biopsy of the lesion suspected of being malignant is performed for histopathological analysis of the sample. With the pathology report, a diagnosis of certainty about the nature of the lesion is obtained and this will allow establishing the protocol of action appropriate to each case.
