How to avoid bad breath

Halitosis? Bad breath? We give you some basic tips to fight it 1.Good dental hygiene: brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist regularly decreases bad breath in most cases. 2.Eliminate the consumption of alcohol and tobacco: alcohol produces dry mouth, increasing the risk of bad breath and snuff, dirty and causes bad odor in the mouth. […]

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What are the brackets aesthetic?

Every time they are more the patient adults that subject to treatments of aesthetic orthodontics, therefore they have developed different type of materials with which do the brackets and can contribute a high aesthetic level during the treatment. The aesthetic brackets, are some fixed devices that are cemented in the teeth with the purpose to correct bites, range […]

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Councils for a healthy mouth

The mouth and the teeth exert a very important paper in our daily life.They have a big weight in the digestive device and besides allow us taste the foods and form words when speak, between many other functions.Besides, the smile is the facial expression than more attracts to the people, and in her the teeth play a primordial […]

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What are the dental implants?

What are the dental implants? The implants are metallic elements that are surgically in the maxillary bones, just below the gums. Once placed, the dentist can place on them crowns or fixed bridges which will replace lost teeth. Do work of dental implants? The implant merges with the mandibular bone, for like this can provide a stable support for the new denture. The prostheses and the bridges placed on the implants remain fixed in the mouth, which thing is an especially important advantage for the mastication and the speech. This help […]

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